5 weeks of expanding the mind and beautifying the world with Queer/Trans/Intersex fabulousness!

**NOTE: I turned this blog series into a FREE Online Course available through The Gender Wheel website. View the course>>> WELCOME TO GENDER MONTH! 5 weeks of expanding the mind and beautifying the world with Queer/Trans/Intersex fabulousness! Introduction I’ve been studying and living my queer culture for over 30 years. …

What Keeps Me Strong in These Days – Checking IN and Blessings OUT

Children's Books as a Personal Practice

These days, these days, these days. Everything changing. So much discomfort. Everywhere hope and courage. So much waking up as the children take to the streets speaking truth OUT loud. So much more waiting in the wings. These days, I close much of my correspondence with “take good care through …

Self-Publishing Journeys

School of the Free Mind Student Spotlight: Sandra Gonzalez, Skillful & Soulful Press

When Matthew and I changed the format of our School to be independent study as well as more financially accessible, our hope was that folks would take full advantage of all the numerous materials to support them and their publishing endeavors. Publishing a children’s book, whether through traditional means or …

Releasing for President’s Day: When a Bully is President: Truth and Creativity for Oppressive Times

Seeding the journey out

Today is the official release of my new children’s book, When a Bully is President: Truth and Creativity for Oppressive Times. Decolonization. De-escalation. Disengagement. True power. Resilience. Creative force. Equity. Inner authority. Self-care. Community respect. Self love. I didn’t pause. I sat down and wrote the truth book as soon …

VIDEO and DRAWING PAGE for When A Bully Is President, Truth and Creativity for Oppressive Times

the revolution is allways NOW

It is with fierce love that I share a reading and arte of my children’s book When a Bully Is President, Truth and Creativity for Oppressive Times for today’s inauguration. In the days ahead we must know the truth of who we are and that we are pure creative power. …

Update on When a Bully Is President, Truth and Creativity for Oppressive Times

UPDATE 2017: As I had hoped my IndieGoGo campaign and private contributions helped jump start some of the big shifts we’re making in 2017: School of the Free Mind is now expanded and independent study Our free mentorship program will have its first meeting at the end of January Reflection …

School of the Free Mind Goes Independent

Dreams, Rain and Waking Up in 2017

Right now, the last 3 ½ years feel more like a dream than anything else.  Matthew and I dropped into an engaged, active, productive, on task mode with materials and community. Creating School of the Free Mind was a fantastic experience that rose from our desire to share everything we …

The Rainbow Alphabet and The Girl in the Library

Finding Voice In a World of Silence

Two books that support kids: an LGBTQ intro for littles and a story about a girl coming into voice The Rainbow Alphabet with Mami Q and The Girl in the Library, The Library in the Girl will be published in 2017 by Reflection Press. Written and illustrated by me, The …

When a Bully is President/Truth and Creativity for Oppressive Times

A children’s book to support kids and adults in the wake of the 2016 US election. The book can be used as a way to talk about oppression in society or as a straight up tool to talk about the current political climate and the next 4 years with your …

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