A Book That Shows How Creativity Can Keep You Strong When You’re Courageously Being Yourself
The Boy Who Drew Dresses/the Very True Tale of a Perfectly Gay Little Boy will be published by Reflection Press in 2017
This is a story about my friend Paul Gallo. Today he is a San Francisco based fashion designer, educator and inventor, living his dream. But growing up he was the boy who drew dresses.
I’m so happy that Paul’s creativity helped keep him strong both inside and outside as a child. Our children need stories like these. We need to do more than tell our LGBTQ kids that things will get better, we need to provide tools and role models from real life that show how those of us in the LGBTQ community have stayed strong in this world.
This is a story about allowing your creativity to be your power, your guide and ultimately yourself. The Boy Who Drew Dresses is an opportunity to seed OUT this true story from our community to our LGBTQ children.
Taking my 20+ years in the children’s book industry, stretching my voice, pushing my limits as an author, artist and indie publisher I am committing to creating books that center our LGBTQ life with deep joy and respect.
Join me in making Children’s Books a Radical Act. Support this book through this secret perk in my Indiegogo campaign and get the book (and a set of fashion stickers with images from the book!)
The Boy Who Drew Dress
the Very True Tale of a Perfectly Gay Little Boy
written and illustrated by Maya Gonzalez
(bilingual English/Spanish)

Learn more about Paul and his crazy cool invention too!