I am fiercely independent and I’m drawn to those who are too. But no one can or should live without others. We are stronger together. And in these days we need our strength. We need each other, even in our independence.
As I walk toward independently publishing my own children’s books for the first time, I feel the power and strength of those who walk with me. By aligning with other indie publishers, artists and authors who use children’s books to push the boundaries of what is possible for our children we create greater movement.
We join a long and powerful tradition of women of color who use storytelling *VOICE* to improve our world and especially the lives of our children. Owning our own presses is the logical extension of owning our own voice and an important step toward RECLAMATION in the industry.
I have been in conversation with a small group that includes two other women of color who own their own presses.
Zetta Elliott and Janine Macbeth
Each of us comes to publishing from different directions and our presses show that. I appreciate those differences because they show how dynamic the process can be and begin to hint at what’s possible! But it’s worthy to note what we each did the same.
We published ourselves first! The revolution always begins with yourself.
On we three dance darlings! I can hear your singing!
Zetta Elliott and
Rosetta Press est. 2008
Black Feminist Perspective
Books for Kids, Teens and Adults
Author-own voice venue!
Does not publish others.
Current books and projects:
Check out Milo’s Museum with Rosetta Press and Melena’s Jubilee with Tilbury House.
Janine Macbeth and
Blood Orange Press est. 2011
Recognizes and Affirms First Nations and Communities of Color
Author/Artist own voice venue.
Publishes others.
Current books and projects: One of a Kind, Like Me written by Laurin Mayeno and illustrated by Robert Lui-Trujillo published 2016.
And check out her Indiegogo campaign:
Read In Color: Diverse Books for Every Kid
And me makes three!
Maya Gonzalez and
Reflection Press est. 2009
People of Color, Indigenous and Queer Centered
Artist, author, educator own voice venue.
Publishes mentored voices.
Current books and projects: my first 6 children’s books through Reflection Press, one is a mentored title written by Ernesto Martinez When We Love Someone We Sing to Them.
Learn about my other titles and check out my Indiegogo campaign: Children’s Books As a Radical Act–6 books that push the boundaries of publishing and support POC, indigenous and queer voices rising
Together we stand. Together we are strong.