Seeding Peace

[Interviews with Students] the effects of Believing is Seeing 11 months later

[29 days ’till Daily Peace] In my Believing is Seeing e-course we use my book I See Peace as the framework, guide and writing/art journal. We work through it spread by spread over 31 days. For my next interview, I talk with Marta who took the course in January however …

Peace & Healing

[Interviews with Students] the effects of Believing is Seeing 11 months later

[30 days ’till Daily Peace] As the countdown continues to my 2015 Believing is Seeing e-course, I thought I’d take these next few days of December to check in with a few students who took the course this past January 2014. Many of them have continued to engage with the …

a time to return to storytellers and artists…

The Heart of It Collection featuring YOU!

When someone showed me that I could make children’s books, it changed me. It changed my whole life and the trajectory of where I was going and why. I learned that what I have to share with children is valuable, necessary even. Through art and story I can teach kids …

The Art of Our Lives

Reclaim the Creative, Change the World. 4 Ways to Reclaim your Creative Power Right Now.

“Creativity is seeing what everyone else has seen, and thinking what no one else has thought.” – Einstein Reclaiming and exercising our creative mind is essential to our survival as humans and is key to creating long lasting change in our lives and in our world. We are born creative …

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