The First Rule: Everyone is an Artist

Claiming Face blog series with Maya Gonzalez - Part 4

I have many layers to speak about Claiming Face. There are multiple, deep, esoteric levels I can go to related to the expansion of consciousness and taking responsibility for reality, etc…but truly the most primary and fundamental is the practicality of taking it into the classroom. It’s ultimately all about …

The Art of Our Lives

Reclaim the Creative, Change the World. 4 Ways to Reclaim your Creative Power Right Now.

“Creativity is seeing what everyone else has seen, and thinking what no one else has thought.” – Einstein Reclaiming and exercising our creative mind is essential to our survival as humans and is key to creating long lasting change in our lives and in our world. We are born creative …


  it’s easter. it has me thinking of the ghosts of easter pasts. when i was seven i had a minibike accident over what used to be called easter vacation. i was in a coma for 3 days. a year later my great grandmother who i lived next door to …

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