exploring consciousness

Queztalcoatl in a Gown

Communion Gloves – La Bonita & La Calaca

Calling in the Snake

Green Chicana Buddha

Blue Flower

Chicana Buddha with Long Gold Earrings

Chicana Buddha with Neck Beads

Woman with Black Veil filled with Roses

The Apron and the Eye Flowers

My Three Hearts

Black Chicana Buddha

Rabbit Death Gown

Snake Skull Woman

Guadelupe Standing on Blue Rabbit

Switching Rabbits (Heart Like a Boat)

Half Virgin Head with Snake on Mantle

Woman with Rabbit at Throat

The Love that Stains


Mayan Ball Gown

Everything a Sacrament (Woman with Grape)

Lizard Bride One


The King and the Council

Let the Snake be Unbroken

Ecstasy Burning Through (Woman with Veil)

Woman with Rattlesnake

The Pomegranate

Sunday Afternoon

When Ferns Dream

Yellow Woman with Halo and Chair